
Visualizza Versione Completa : Chip dedicati PPU

22-10-05, 00:46
Phisic Process Unit Pauuurrrrraaaaaa !!!
*High-Performance Rigid-Body Dynamics*

Using the state-of-the-art Ageia™ physX™ physics simulation engine, XSI v.5.0 delivers rock-solid, high-performance physical simulation as much as a 100x performance gain over previous releases. Features include totally new high-precision actual-shape collision handling, and full support for hardware accelerated simulation using the Ageia™ PhysX processor (available separately). Naturally, all simulations can be blended in the animation mixer and layered as animation without the need to re-simulate, enabling the creation and use of simulation libraries.

September 01, 2005 – AGEIA™ Technologies, Inc., the pioneer in hardware-accelerated physics for games and BFG Technologies®, Inc., a leading U.S.-based supplier of advanced 3D graphics cards and other PC enthusiast products, announced today that they have entered into a retail distribution agreement. Under the contract, BFG Technologies will manufacture, sell, market and distribute personal computer add-in cards powered by the AGEIA PhysX™ processor to retail, e-tail and distributors in the United States, Canada and the European Union member states.
AGEIA’s PhysX chip defines an entirely new category of processor: the physics processing unit that, when coupled with the PhysX SDK, provides cost-effective hardware acceleration of physical interactions within a game environment, such as fluid dynamics and rigid body dynamics. The result will re-ignite the enthusiasm of gamers and game creators alike, and has the potential to propel physics technology into unexplored new markets.
“There is no doubt that the next evolution of PC gaming hardware will include technologies that dramatically improve realistic motion and physics in the game environment,” said Scott Herkelman, executive vice president of marketing for BFG Technologies. “We are proud that AGEIA has chosen BFG Technologies to be one of the driving forces for getting their ground-breaking new PhysX processor into consumer’s hands.”
“BFG Technologies brings to the table an in-depth understanding of the channel as well as extensive knowledge about what makes gamers tick,” said Manju Hegde, CEO and chairman of AGEIA. “BFG Technologies is trusted by game players and PC enthusiasts, thereby making them poised to bring the PhysX processor to market.”
BFG non e' un costruttore a noi noto forse vi fara' piacere sapere che ASUS ha stretto un accordo con AGEIA e integrera' queste unita NELLE SCHEDE VIDEO DI PROSSIMA GENERAZIONE, i prezzi previsti per queste nuove soluzioni video sono attesi tra i 249 e i 299 dollari, quando verso la fine dell'anno queste schede add on verranno immesse in commercio. I primi sample dovrebbero venir resi disponibili a partire dal terzo trimestre dell'anno.

Spero che newtek dopo il supporto alle OpenGl2 ci fornisca anche il supporto a tali schede non sarebbe un bel regalo di Natale ;) ... visto che un'altro software gia' lo fa' (XSI5).Spero prorio che si diffondano nel campo dei videogiochi cosi' almeno potro' prendermi una scheda veramente al prezzo di cui si vocifera ;)!!

Salutoni a tutti!!