
Visualizza Versione Completa : Particle Scan

28-03-09, 14:04
Particle Scan è un plugin che permette il bake delle particelle in LW, di Denis Pontonnier.
Versione Win 32:

Description :
-A Particle Scan Displacement plugin,
to bake LW Particle System between start and end preview frames,
and save it as PFX file or MDD file.

-MDD file format includes less infos from particle, but allows
Streaming loading and TimeWarp effect in MDD Pointer plugin or node.

Usage :
-MDD file should be applied to a stack of point-polys with same number
of points than number of particle emitted at end frame (or max particles).
Particle Scan can generate this point-poly stack with the "Create LWO File"

-In MDD File, "Limb" or "Dead" particle have undefined position,
so if you plan to use Hypervoxels, "Particle Size" parameter will be
undefined or huge by default, reset it to a correct value.

-When saved, multi exported PFX files could be merged in one PFX file
in the current "Save All Selected Motions" in a PFX Emitter.

Limitations :
Third party particle emitters have different code and behaviors,
as we know, ParticleScan is not compatible with Napalm and there
are a few minor missed particles with RealFlow.
Save your scene before using this plugin, it is tricky and
you could get Layout critical error or crash.

28-03-09, 15:34
Uhm.. ma che differenza c'è con quello già presente nel ParticleFX? :noidea:

28-03-09, 18:07
Proprio non lo so, forse è più utile per MDD Pointer, che a sua volta non ho mai usato. :rolleyes:

29-03-09, 21:11
Le versioni "Pointer" dei plugin di gestione MDD/BDD di Pontonnier sono utili per risparmiare memoria, in quanto, se ho capito bene, anzichè caricare in RAM tutto il file MDD, vi è solo un puntatore al file, che quindi viene letto all'occorrenza. Probabilmente questo fa lo stesso con le particelle..