
Visualizza Versione Completa : ShaderTree

21-04-05, 19:19

Qualcuno di voi ha provato questa plugin?!
Sapete se e' possibile reperire da qualche parte della documentazione su questa plugin possibilmente non in ostrogoto??!!:cappio:

21-04-05, 20:20
Ciao nicolas, ho provato ad usare babel per tradurre la pagina, e sembra funziare abbastanza bene...

traduzione da giapponese a inglese-->
questo č un estratto:

TB's ShaderTree
< シェーダーツリー >

< Summary >

It is シェーダーツリープラグイン which does surface setting with simple node system. Correction of each channel of LW and setting of individual custom shading being possible in the node base, expression of complicated material feeling is possible.
In addition combining with setting and other シェーダープラグイン of the existing surface, just necessary place, in order for how kind of to use uses the node to be possible it is designed.

< Download >
[/url][url=" f3dlabo%2ftb_shadertree043.lzh"][ Old ] Version 0.43 (for 7.x & 8.x ON Win32) ( f3dlabo%2ftb_shadertree043.lzh)
Version 0.50 (for 7.x & 8.x ON Win32) ( f3dlabo%2ftb_shadertree050.lzh)

The manual is read ( f3dlabo%2fimage%2fshadertree%2fmanual.html)

< Past record >

V0.40Formal edition releaseV0.42The reading function of Save&Load and pre-setting all nodes has become in the object for the sake of, way this only the node which presently is in the midst of compiling is dealt with, modification.
Indication message strengthening at time of operation
'translucent' node addition * Version of the time before retention-related functional behavior has become modification.

V0.430.42 So the bug correction where the index of connected parameter was ignored the case of internal constitution repair
GUI design correction

V0.50Somewhat improvement of efficiency of node appraisal result acquisition
カスタムシェーダ-related illumination calculation improvement of efficiency
In root, SPOT and tex_bump bump_h parameter addition
In カスタムシェーダ light/write flag-related parameter addition
The bug correction regarding texture retention
AutoSize correspondence of texture
The precision improvement of occlusion of occlusion/half occlusion and texture gradient
When item of item, transform and vtransform undefinedness (none) is, way the object where Shader is applied is referred to modification
Ultraviolet radiation and vcolor node addition
The shading result improvement of Wrapped-Diffuse and backlight-wrapped
Cfg file correspondence
User definition shortcut functional addition
Key-in processing improvement of panel
Rectangular optional feature addition at time of button drug in shift key depression or outside Node
The bug correction which has the case where replacement_percentage of the original surface is not processed accurately with the spot_shade node
Color correspondence of shadow of custom shading (as for surface line light source not yet correspondence)

* There is no compatibility of the retention data of version of the time before.

< GUI design of time before the 0.42 and with 0.43 about design repair >

Version of time before the TB's ShaderTree 0.42 as GUI of ShaderMan which is the ShaderTree application for RenderMan where Alexei Puzikov is produced because almost it has become the same design, repaired with 0.43 GUI.

Actually we referred greatly the occasion where the learning work it does DeepShade which is the predecessor of TB's ShaderTree concerning the application of the person, in combination with color scheme of this plug in which takes over the engine part that way to LW until became the result which release is done that way partly due to the fact that it does not have consciousness almost it had become concerning the same color scheme to the occasion where you adjusted. and while developing design excessively. about here half year of actual place even program including RenderMan of the person in the circumstance which has almost not touched, is indication there is also a part that did not perceive to situation, but as for actual place this to plagiarism That it is equal behavior, as you think, send the mail of apology to the person, with 0.43 repair of design is done in order to cancel the problem of this design.

Furthermore concerning TB's ShaderMan which is another plug in the word, 'ShaderMan' which is included in this name is not something which points to the work of the person and must be the name, 'ShaderMan' from the details where in addition I drew up corresponding plug in for me, because there is a reason, at the mail you have explained to the person concerning the circumstance.

It becomes last, but from the fact that you use also レンダラ of my myself RenderMan type, there was a part which is impressed largely in the ShaderMan program of the person, this time became this kind of situation, but that as a developer and one user we would like to pay the respect and appreciation of the maximum to behavior of the person, you think, you apologize to the person deeply concerning the latest case.

P.S. nella pagina dei feedback di ho beccato anche una risposta di LAV :D


21-04-05, 23:04
Diāvolo! Sono andato a rivederlo!. :argh: Senza una paginetta in inglese ero ancora! :memad:
Comunque l'ho usato, l'ho trovato estremamente potente anche se sono dovuto andare a lume di naso. Il problema con LW č che quando scopri una cosa nuova č come ritrovarsi in mano il Silmarillion senza avere mai letto il Signore degli anelli (un LAV dotto).
Sarebbe bello se qualcuno dichiarasse i suoi progressi con questo shader. Sospetto sia un software dalle mille possibilitā.
Ho anche a disposizione dei presets carini.


21-04-05, 23:22
non per contraddirti... ma "il Silmarillion" va letto "prima" di leggere "Il Signore degli Anelli" :D in quanto si tratta di una specie di "Bibbia" in cui č narrata la creazione e "il prima" :D

che tipo di plug-in č?

21-04-05, 23:40
Non per contraddirti, ma il Silmarillion va letto dopo il Signore ecc., essendo il primo una dotta ricapitolazione delle premesse cosmogoniche al secondo che, al confronto, č un po' come John Wayne rispetto a Sergio Leone. :licantrop

E' uno shader a nodi. Fa delle superfici su cui, per ogni nodo, puoi controllare una marea di componenti. E' tanto complesso che ci puoi passare delle ore... ed ogni prodotto č esattamente il tuo prodotto!