
Visualizza Versione Completa : NewTek Magazine - VOL 1 - NUM 1-2 : 2010

04-09-10, 14:44
NewTek sembra che produca una rivista(!?): Newtek Magazine, probabilmente dedicata agli eventi a cui partecipa, occasionalmente. Non ho trovato pagine dedicate sul sito, se non un post nel forum NT (@NTforum::stevenpalomino:t=111831 (, dove ho letto la novità, in cui si parla del numero 2, ma poi ho trovato anche il numero 1: V1-N1!
In NewTek Magazine, NT nel promuoversi inserisce anche degli articoli interessanti su LightWave, riguardanti LW10, plugins, metodologie e tutorials. Ovviamente si parla anche di TriCaster e SpeedEDIT, oppure 3DPlay e articoli vari sulla CG. Alcuni articoli si ripetono, ma è comprensibile vista la funzione promozionale per il NAB e per il SIGGRAPH 2010, per i quali sono stati pubblicati. Mi pare una bella pensata, o meglio una fonte in più di informazioni per noi; è comunque una buona lettura. :D


The Near Future Prophecies – Revisited: Predictions For 2010 and Beyond
TriCaster TCXD850 - A Sneak Peek at the Newest TriCaster Model 4
TriCaster TCXD300 - Simplicity, Flexibility, Creativity
Technical Aspects of the TriCaster TCXD300/TCXD850 Simplified
More, Better, Faster: An Overview Look at SpeedEDIT 2
Tips and Tricks: For LiveText, iVGA, TriCaster, and VT
Show Me That Again, Fast, But Slow: On the Road With 3PLAY
Live Sports Broadcasting for Schools
Live Production: Getting the Most Out of Video Cameras and Green Screen
Beyond TriCaster: Extending the Reach of Your Content
Building a Better Broadcast Studio: Customizing LiveSets
Comparto Via Larga: Architechural Visualization by Mir
Put Your Wallet Away: Essential FREE Plugins for LightWave
A Product of its Environment: Creating a Photography Style Product Shot
Adding a 3D Perspective to 2D Art... or Vice Versa: A Philosophical Look At Birthing a Dragon
Filing Teeth, Sharpening Skills: Ant & Len: A Short Film by Plastic Milk
Virtual Filmmaking in 2020


VOLUME 1 - NUMBER 2 : 2010

The Near Future Prophecies – Revisited: Predictions For 2010 and Beyond
LightWave 10
Virtual Filmmaking in 2020
Comparto Via Larga: Architechural Visualization by Mir
Put Your Wallet Away: Essential FREE Plugins for LightWave
A Product of its Environment: Creating a Photography Style Product Shot
Adding a 3D Perspective to 2D Art... or Vice Versa: A Philosophical Look At Birthing a Dragon
Filing Teeth, Sharpening Skills: Ant & Len: A Short Film by Plastic Milk
TriCaster TCXD850 - A Sneak Peek at the Newest TriCaster
TriCaster TCXD300 - Simplicity, Flexibility, Creativity
Technical Aspects of the TriCaster TCXD300/TCXD850 Simplified
More, Better, Faster: An Overview Look at SpeedEDIT 2
Tips and Tricks: For LiveText, iVGA, TriCaster, and VT[5]
Show Me That Again, Fast, But Slow: On the Road With 3PLAY
Live Sports Broadcasting for Schools
Live Production: Getting the Most Out of Video Cameras and Green Screen
Beyond TriCaster: Extending the Reach of Your Content
Building a Better Broadcast Studio: Customizing LiveSets

04-09-10, 16:17
E' un'ottima iniziativa ! spero continuino così. Stanno pian piano iniziando a migliorare nell'advertisement. :yt:

06-09-10, 09:32
:) Bene :g1:

07-09-10, 18:13
Indiscutibilmente sembra proprio la strada giusta, ...grazie per l'info Mika! :g1:
