
Visualizza Versione Completa : Interior: Bathroom

08-06-05, 16:57
Hello all,
here is my latest work, it is a bathroom im designing. I have learned alot from modeling this project and im rendering it today I got it looking pretty realistic so no changes will be made but want to know what you all think. Btw Nemo Id like to talk to you on msn when I can as I have some suggestions for the International section.

08-06-05, 18:42
really cool work. can't wait for the final render .

little suggestion : the decorations on the towel are rather large. id make a simple coloured towel, maybe pink or pale blue with some little decorations, like for example two letters indicating name and surname of who uses it. a touch of class !!

your sufggestions for international area were cool. we'll discuss soon about that between mods. :)

08-06-05, 19:18
Thanks nemo, Yes your right about the towels but with the final render youd never see those details anyhow so its not really important but ya never know might just try it hehe. And I hope the suggestions are helpfull.

08-06-05, 22:58
ok cool. keep us posted . :yt:

09-06-05, 09:34
HI shandaman,

very good model!
I agree with Nemoid for the towel, and I think that all the details works to make a good still image.

give us some good render :D


11-06-05, 21:52
...mmm...the water's mesh is very very strange....

12-06-05, 07:44
Shan you should unify ll those tripled poligons, also because if you subpatched them, in layout you get an huge amount of unnecessary polygons. :eek: Lw triples them for you when rendering to get rid of unplanar and for easier deformations:)

13-06-05, 16:12
yeah but i put this project away but maybe later