Visualizza Versione Completa : Nodal Setups Tutorial Series for LightWave™ 3D

25-04-17, 13:30
Pedro Alpiarça dos Santos Probiner ha realizzato una serie di tutorial sul settaggio nodale per motion graphics, per poter realizzare espressioni grafiche programmabili tramite il Node Editor, affascinanti effetti per displacement, istanze, animazione, surfacing, ottenibili tramite i nodi in LightWave 3D.


This LightWave3D tutorial series goes through data operations in the Node Editor to explore instructions that can be setup for Displacement, Motion, Instances, Surfaces, etc.
  The video lessons are focused on data, what can be done to it, inferred from it, and how it can be used to set up rules, recipes, algorithms. The overall idea is to pay the price of addressing boring and abstract subjects that end up being the means by which one expresses itself in a programmable or data processing environment, like the Node Editor.
Trovate tutte le informazioni necessarie qui di seguito: http://probiner.xyz/2017/04/20/nodalsetupstutorialserieslw3d/