
Visualizza Versione Completa : LWCAD 2020 - Released!

22-10-20, 17:31
LWCAD 2020 per LW3D!

Disponibile come aggiornamento a pagamento per chi ha ha licenza LWCAD 5 o 2018. Oppure aggiornamento free per chi ha fatto il preacquisto LWCAD 2018(2020+). (

LWCAD 2020 for LightWave

The latest LwCad 2020 for LightWave was just released!
A brief overview of new features and tools in the latest LWCAD 2020 ( ( (

LWCAD 2020 FULL: 299 EUR or 349 USD
LWCAD 2020 UPGRADE from LWCAD 5: 225 EUR or 250 USD
LWCAD 2020 UPGRADE from LWCAD 2018: 149 EUR or 175 USD
Buy Now ( )

Upgrade Policy:
1. Compatibility with LightWave.
LWCAD 2020 is recommended for use with LightWave 2015 - 2020.
The minimum requirement is LightWave 9.6.
2. Paid upgrade.
Users licensed with LWCAD 5 or 2018 are eligible to purchase an upgrade.
3. Free upgrade.
Users who have purchased LWCAD 2018(2020+) are eligible to a free upgrade.

All users eligible for the free upgrade already received an updated license report with the LWCAD 2020 serial number.

Nuove features:

New Updates:
Offset Curve (TR)

new MeshTR tool for offsetting curves.
works also on the edges of surfaces

Offset Edge (TR)

new MeshTR tool for offsetting surface edges.
new surface refitting routines allow precise results with a minimum of control points

Round Corner (TR)

new MeshTR tool for rounding the corners of curve segments and the corners of surface edges
new limit modes for overlapping rounds

Round Edge (TR)

new MeshTR tool for rounding the corners of curve segments and the corners of surface edges
significant improvement on special cases

Refine (TR)

new MeshTR tool for refinement of NURBS curves and surfaces

Refine Edge (TR)

new adaptive mode for inserting knots into most curved parts of geometry

Freeze Edge (TR)

new MeshTR tool for freezing of NURBS into polygons
new adaptive mode based on the Refine tool

Road (TR)

new MeshTR tool for converting a network of curves into roads
optional customization using sketch colors
generates helper curves for creating custom road-lines

Topology (TR)

new MeshTR tool for geometry topology inspection
showing the connections between the curves and the edges of the surface
showing the indexes of elements, edges or segments, and points

Quads Patch (TR)

new Show Quads-Patch option

Quad To Patch Cmd

new quick command to convert quads to NURBS patches

Patch To Quad Cmd

new quick command to convert NURBS patches to quads

14-11-20, 23:19
Gran cosa questo plugin, sempre ottimo e funzionale. Solo una cosa mi piacerebbe sapere, la WTools continua a investire in questo software, ma la Newtek cosa fa? Non ho ben capito se questo programma sia prossimo alla fine oppure no.