La open beta di Kray è finalmente disponibile gratuitamente per tutti gli utenti registrati.
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"Next generation of Mindberries flagship product Kray has been released. The speed and quality improvement from 1.612 version is huge to say the least. There has also been loads of features added, connection with LW improved and numerous bugs fixed. This is first of open beta versions which will be available to all Kray owners.

New features include:
- multithreading, takes advantage of multi core, multi CPU, hyper threading systems (up to 128 threads)
- new GUI with predefined presets
- instances
- motion blur
- agressive global illumination optimizations, a lot faster AA + FG
- improved final gathering and deep splotching control
- improved octrees, better memory management and improved performance
- improved photon mapping (faster photons tracing, especially caustics)
- improved anti aliasing (new AA filters, rotated grid AA)
- new tone mapping modes (linear,exponential)
- clip maps
- progressive preview display
- dual platform license (Mac, PC)
- many bugs fixed
- tons of small improvements"