Almost Finished: Light Saber
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  1. #1
    Licantropo Mod L'avatar di gebazzz
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    Somewhere in my mind
    desinc: there's a shader, edge_transparency, that quickly does it, but my suggestion is a way to do lightsaber in fprime, so.. no shaders. but we can simulate it throught gradients.

    edge_transparency is similar (in concept) to fast_fresnel: those shaders quickly apply specific surface properties to some channels, and their effect can be done with gradients too.

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  2. #2
    Licantropo Mod L'avatar di davhub
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2004
    Pavia (Italy)
    Infact, Vashts.. no need to use gradients expecially
    with fast fresnel and some other shaders...

    Shandaman! very nice metal surface (a little bit grainy and bumpy, try to add some scratches!)
    but very nice indeed, probably I suggest you to change the backdrop HDRI
    I do not think a lightsabre could be easily found in a kitchen!!


  3. #3
    Hehe your prolly right, but ill stick with it for now. But anyways here is what i came up with before i read any of your posts. ill tweak it Right now its just one tube im gonna try the double tube thing and see how it works. Anyhow here is the render.

    hi shandaman, good job!

    for the laser, you can do an internal white cylinder, and an external one (you'll choose the color) whit a gradient on the transparency channel based on incident angle: more it goes to 0, more the transparency value. I think you have to set another gradient (based on the incident angle) on the color channel, so you can go from your color to white when incident angle is 90°. so you can simulate the blur effect.. maybe, I think it can work, and if it works you can render whit fprime.

    but.. another idea: you can render your lightsaber with fprime (whitout laser), then import images in the background and add the saber effect (with blur and so on) in composing.. rendering it with internal lightwave renderer.

    sorry if I explained my ideas in bad english.. it's the better I can do

    Dude dont worry about it. I was born in the us and my eglsih is plain terrible.

    See i even cant type it.

    Oh yeah ps: its grainy oz i only had bout 1 k passes on both of them. For a clean fprime render with a coupel k polys or more it takes a minimum of 5 k passes wich can take upto about 5 hours. But its way quicker then lw render and you can save progress so you dont loose anything.

  4. #4
    Licantropo L'avatar di desinc
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2005
    Hey shandaman, I love that laser!!!!
    and your lighting rocks...

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da vashts
    my suggestion is a way to do lightsaber in fprime, so.. no shaders.

    Ies of course, I know edge_trasparency...



  5. #5
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da desinc
    Hey shandaman, I love that laser!!!!
    and your lighting rocks...


    Ies of course, I know edge_trasparency...


    Hey thanks bud but it is even more different now. I have changed the laser using a different technique and it loks even better. plus i started the second saber.

  6. #6
    Btw anyone want to see wires just ask.

  7. #7
    Licantropo SMod L'avatar di Nemoid
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    sure . i love to see wires BTW post em!!
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