REF animation
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  1. #1

    REF animation

    Hello everyone,

    I have finally put online my latest short animation REF. It took 3 years (not continuous work) and a couple of LW revisions to finish it but I'm very happy I'm done with this project. All animation was keyframed manually within LW.

    Visit new REF's site for download links, some stills from movie and a few behind the scenes pics:


    I hope You enjoy it!

    Also, as I was asked a few questions about the forthcoming Surpasses plugin on other forums here is some info on it as well:

    Generally speaking Surpasses allow You to have multiple layout "layers", they are kind of scene morphs. You have Your basic scene called "base" and layers (morphs) are applied over it. Layer can include any set of items and various properties like antialiasing level, ray trace flags, etc.

    Let me give You an example. You are working on a scene in which You set some high quality render settings. That is fine, but You need to fine tune some part of scene. Typically You would need to hide parts that You don't need and change render settings to preview quality to see results faster. Then, You would need to set settings back to high quality for final render.

    With Surpasses, You just create a separate "preview" layer, with only those parts of scene You want to see and with low quality settings in it. Whenever You switch to this layer You will be able to test right away and then simply switch back to base when You're done.

    Another example could be working with rigs, You can have different set of controls as separate layers and switch between them as needed, this way You don't have to see all controls at once cluttering view.

    Surpasses are interactive and integrated within LW which means the effects of switching layers are visible both in openGL and in render. It also works with plugins like FPrime.

    Can't say more now

  2. #2
    Licantropo SMod L'avatar di Nemoid
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    Hi ! First of all let me say we are honoured to have u on this new born forum Your work is really great for the quality of animation and final output with a very artistic level on the image and photography!

    This being said, we are interested in your products like ACS4 and Surrpasses : we really want to know more about it !!

    From your explainations Surpasses seems a cool product indeed. I like the concept of multipass in rendering and also post pro in After fx to get some fx that will take very long in Lw.
    An optimized workflow for this woud be really really good into an app like Lw.

    I seriously hope this international area will become populated from great people like you, just because the intention is to give some sort of bridge between Italy lw users and adepts of 3D , and international artists.

    So, be sure to keep us updated on your plugs and animations and keep on riding the Light-Wave!!
    Every voyage starts with the first step.

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  3. #3
    Licantropo Mod L'avatar di gebazzz
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    Somewhere in my mind
    I saw the link of your animation on flay.com 2-3 days ago, and I can say that it's very cool: especially, I like the direction and the general de-saturation of colors.

    so.. great animation!

    Web: Geba.it
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  4. #4
    Licantropo Mod L'avatar di DM67
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    San Benedetto del Tronto - Italy

    Thumbs up

    Hello Lukasz,
    thanks to have posted on LWita.
    I already said other times that your work is astounding and I confirm it also now.
    Naturally it hope to see you again on LWita, to talk about the updatings of Surpasses but also of other things that they interest the world of LW.

    Thanks again
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  5. #5
    REF is awesome. Everything in the short video impressed me. It's a pice of art!

    Yeah, finally knowing something more about Surpassed. Great to hear it directly from you.
    From what I got, this plugin may become a must. On this way the workflow will be faster and easier. Integrating layers that will give the ability to switch from one scene setting to an ather will help to concentrate to the target.
    The interactivity within LW give to the plugin more credit. ... one more thing WOW
    Luci e onde del belpaese - LWITA.com
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  6. #6
    Licantropo Mod L'avatar di davhub
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2004
    Pavia (Italy)
    OMG! the movie looks really nice!
    expecially for the sharp lighting and "strobo flashes"

    some movements seem not so smooth or "real", but, Man,
    astonishing indeed, million miles away from my skills
    (to be precise, during close combat...) but some shots are really really
    well done (thrilling, full of suspeance but still and calm at the same time)!

    Thank you very much for sharing!!
    And I hope my words did not harm you.




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