Juan J. Gonzalez sta sviluppando un plugin per Arnold render in LightWave!
(Oltre a quello per Octane render!)
Non so come sia esattamente la procedura per l'acquisto di Arnold render da Solid Angle, se sia sufficiente Arnold Core o se si debba possedere uno degli altri pacchetti in cui ovviamente ora non comprende LW. In ogni modo ...
Ancora in beta.
Link al forum NT-LW:

Una serie di video demo, inizio con quello che ho visto ieri, cioè l'ultimo, e di seguito li stessi postati da juanjgon:
250.000.000 particles animated Mandelbulb
Render with Arnold 4.0
Animated Mandelbulb on Vimeo

New functions of LWtoA IPR, like stop rendering, store view, clone view or save JPG image.
LWtoA IPR new functions on Vimeo

Working with Arnold Skin_sss shader and LWtoA IPR
Arnold Skin_sss shader on Vimeo

New Arnold Volume Scattering and Fog nodal system.
LWtoA nodal volumetrics tests on Vimeo

Stereo rendering workflow
LWtoA stereo rendering workflow on Vimeo

LWtoA network rendering test using standard LW screamernet.
LWtoA screamernet network rendering on Vimeo

First tests working with Arnold hair geometry and shaders in LWtoA IPR.
LWtoA hair rendering and Arnold hair shader on Vimeo

First test about the LWtoA support of Lightwave particle systems inside Arnold IPR. We can see the scene with 1.000.000 of particles at the end of the video.
LWtoA support of Particle Systems. Test 1 on Vimeo

PR working with animated SDS surface and LW11 instacing module. 1.1 MPolygons in real geometry, 1340 MPolygons in final instanced geometry. HDRI Lighting and Fog.
LWtoA IPR tech demo 6 on Vimeo