LightWave 2015: How to use the Genoma 2 to Unity Preset
Tutorial di Lino Grandi sul worflow tra LightWave3D e Unity.
Argomenti trattati: weight mapping, rigging con Genoma2, esportare l'animazione da LightWave3D a Unity3D

Altre info e preset(s9) scaricabile da

Parti 1-3:

Part 1: In this video Lino Grandi describes how to use the Genoma 2 to Unity preset rig.

The Genoma 2 to Unity Preset is available at:

Part 2: In this video Lino Grandi describes how to use the Genoma 2 to Unity preset. He also gives an overview of the available controls in the rig.

The Genoma 2 to Unity Preset is available at:

Part 3: In this video Lino Grandi details how to use the Genoma 2 to Unity preset. He also covers how to deal with weight maps and deformations.

The Genoma2Unity Preset is available at:
Citazione Originariamente Scritto da
Learn the critical worflow between LightWave3D and Unity. Developer and Artist Lino Grandi delivers the most comprehensive tutorial to-date, explore weight mapping and rigging with Genoma2 Export Animation from LightWave3D over to Unity3D. Download the ready made Preset(s).