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LightWave 2019.0.3 Unreal Bridge 4.22 Plugin Update
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Epic Games has released Unreal Engine 4.22 with over 174 improvements, including early access support for new real-time raytracing and pathtracing functions, performance improvements in rendering, and in the virtual production pipeline.

NewTek’s LightWave 3DŽ team is pleased to respond with an update to our LightWave™ Bridge to Unreal Engine plugin that gives LightWave users access to the new features and functions of Unreal Engine 4.22.

Informazioni sul blog:
LightWave 3DŽ 2019: LightWave™ Bridge to Unreal Engine Plugin Update for UE 4.22 Support

LightWave 2019 features:
LightWave 3D 2019 New Features