Novità da RandomControl, tutte insieme sono tre!
Release di fryrender SP2 con un importante incremento della velocità di render e ...
Additions & improvements

- 20% faster rendering core
- Importance-Sampling IBL is working again
- Definitive Anti-Aliasing system
- IBL will render caustics and certain GI situations more smoothly now
- Better tonemapping for burnt-out tones
- sRGB-corrected physical sky hues
- Material auto-conversors are supporting .PNG / .TIF now
- Added support for mouse-wheel in the UI

Bug fixes

- Fixed some glitches in the UI
- Old multi-threading conflicts when using several instances of the standalone are fixed
- Fixed scrollbars in the UI
- Fixed Light UI
- Fixed problems with cropped sliders when resizing the UI
- Fixed .TGA vertical flip in some .TGA files
- Fixed bug that would make .TGA files fail to save under RAM-stressed situations
- The OBJID buffer will keep the same colors through all the frames in an animation now
- Random colored spots in the framebuffer at very high efficiency (10000+) values fixed
- All Kelvin colors will now carry the same average power regardless of their temperature

Warnings for existing users

- .DSIs generated with versions older than SP2 will not load properly in SP2
Release di fryrender SWAP 1.1
- Multi-swapping, ovvero si può fare lo swap su quanti oggetti si desideri, i video dimostrativi nella home di SWAP sono consigliabili per comprendere il processo:
- Migliorata la qualità dell'output
- Applicabili molte textures in batch
Il changelog dettagliato nell'annuncio nel forum:
SWAP 1.1 announcement in the fryrender forum

Release di frybench
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La newsletter completa: 23rd March, 2009