IBounce open beta
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    IBounce open beta

    IBouce, sviluppato da Steve Hurley, è un simulatore fisico integrato per LightWave 10+ ed è in programma anche per LightWave 9.6.
    Clicca l'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome: IBounceDemo_workflow_video_scr.jpg 
Visualizzazioni: 559 
Dimensione: 98.0 KB 
ID: 13509Clicca l'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome: IBounceDemo_Pennies_scr.jpg 
Visualizzazioni: 550 
Dimensione: 60.0 KB 
ID: 13510Clicca l'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome: IBounceDemo_Balls_scr.jpg 
Visualizzazioni: 557 
Dimensione: 94.4 KB 
ID: 13511Clicca l'immagine per ingrandirla. 

Nome: IBounceDemo_Deformables_scr.jpg 
Visualizzazioni: 537 
Dimensione: 26.5 KB 
ID: 13512

    Video demo:
    workflow: workflow video
    esempi: Pennies , Balls, Deformables
    Link alla discussione presso NT, da dove scaricare anche la demo (win 32-64, mac):

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da hurley
    Welcome to IBounce open beta!

    IBounce is an integrated plysics simulation tool for LightWave that aspires to be both robust and user friendly. The IBounce framework supports multiple physics engines and implementations based on PhysX, Bullet and Newton libraries are in the works. Currently IBounce requires LW 10+ but a LW9.6 version is also planned.

    Here's a few simple animations that we've done in-house.

    Here's a basic workflow video

    Please read the included readme.txt file for installation procedures and other important information about this beta release

    Included here are a set of simple demo scenes that show various features of the tool. Please download them and give them a quick run through to make sure they are working correctly on your system.

    Comments, bug reports and feature requests are always welcome!

    Please remember this *BETA* software and don't use your valuable content without backing up first!

    Ultima modifica di mikadit; 17-08-11 alle 15:46 Motivo: in > per
    Luci e onde del belpaese - LWITA.com
    CALCOLATORE STILL by htsoft - FEEDBACK Calcolatore still

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