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LightWave 2015.1 (Build 2832) Final Release Change Log - Dec 22, 2014

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2015.1 will install into its own directory. 2015.1 uses the same license as your 2015 license - just drag-and-drop the license into the interface of 2015.1 when first launching 2015.1.

2015.1 FIXES

Layout crashes loading a 'cyHair' format wig
FBX importing "Target Cameras" have incorrect rotation values.

Hub crash if custom background GUI image used.

Cut Tool crash in Modeler using Edges

FiberFX no longer works with bullet guides
FiberFX Strand Tool workflow issue making "Fixed Tips" during styling
FiberFX crashing when using Bullet
FiberFX related crash when clearing an object with FiberFX applied, and then creating a new object
FiberFX crash due to mixed meshes
FiberFX motion vector data is broken
Clicking "Edit" in FiberFX crashes - MAC ONLY
Changing FiberFX shadow-type while VPR on crashes
"Polygonize Mixed" command in FiberFX doesn't work.

Option of 'Render Outside Camera' not working for VPR
VPR not showing proper shadow density when using transparency
VPR does not update in real-time when changing basic color attributes
VPR crash when 'Shift-clicking' to get surface with 2 point polygons
Fixed a bug in morph surfaces in VPR that could cause a crash due to uninitialized pointers.
crash if executing shader Lscript UI while VPR evaluates same shader
Unseen by Camera items render when PRMBlur is on.
Motion Blur rendering hidden objects
motion vectors not working for MDD's
2015 does not save proper motion vector data to EXR file format
Edge Thickness changes when Stereo is on.
LW2015 GI render crash with 2 or more bounces.

Crash when trying to make fractured geometry a "Parts Body" in Bullet.

Node Editor Node thumbnails and Image node thumbnail broken
Nodal export/import dialogs have a localized file type field

Bilinear re-sample buffer size issue in SDK.
ClipMap surface not accessible with Lscript
"GlobalStore" function is broken on Mac OS systems (Layout)

Save Dialog does not set mesh flags to 'Saved'
Restore build number to the 2015 About box
Docs don't launch with F1
Crash using the nVidia "3D Pro Plug-in"