non mi son dimenticato, solo che ieri ero cotto e stasera sono un pò lesso per continuare, loool, l'ho detto che è difficile

comunque, riguardo D&D ... è il 30mo anniversariooooooo:

Citazione Originariamente Scritto da
Magic & Memories: The Dungeons & Dragons Index
A week long celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons
By GameSpy Staff | Aug. 13, 2004

In January 1974, a group of friends in a Wisconsin basement sent out a small box with three beige colored books inside. It was the very first edition of Dungeons & Dragons, a brand new type of game without boards or set goals in which all the action took place in the players' minds. The game sold, and sold well, eventually becoming a worldwide phenomenon. 30 years later, that game continues to be popular. It also wields a profound cultural influence, especially in the video game industry, which daily borrows elements from Dungeons & Dragons, even if it doesn't always realize it's doing so.

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