Surpasses preview - Lightwave becomes layered!
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Discussione: Surpasses preview - Lightwave becomes layered!

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  1. #1
    thanks Guys! getting back to work now....

  2. #2
    That's great!
    Keep your work awesome as always
    Luci e onde del belpaese - LWITA.com
    CALCOLATORE STILL by htsoft - FEEDBACK Calcolatore still

  3. #3
    Licantropo SMod L'avatar di Nemoid
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da pazur
    thanks Guys! getting back to work now....
    if you keep on working like this there will be no place for us!!
    we can't wait for surpasses release indeed.
    Every voyage starts with the first step.

    Facebook: Daniele Mattei
    Pagina Facebook Daniele Mattei Art

  4. #4
    really COOL, it will be even better with a sort of preset also for surface setting for test different combination of surfece.

    LW with surpasses+Fprime is really a killer apps for my viz work , now I need only a new lighting system with real photometrics setting

  5. #5
    Unfortunately, working on surface level is not possible right now...

    Anyway, just letting You know I have updated Surpasses site.

  6. #6
    Licantropo Mod L'avatar di DM67
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    San Benedetto del Tronto - Italy

    Thumbs up

    you are very skilled my friend

    L' Apostolo della Mela
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  7. #7
    Licantropo SMod L'avatar di Nemoid
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    there's no doubt Pazur is skilled... and combined with Fprime this plugs changes the way to work in better.

    @Blitter : welcome in Lw ita !
    Every voyage starts with the first step.

    Facebook: Daniele Mattei
    Pagina Facebook Daniele Mattei Art

  8. #8
    I'm still impressed, such features are a high quality improuvment of the workflow!
    Luci e onde del belpaese - LWITA.com
    CALCOLATORE STILL by htsoft - FEEDBACK Calcolatore still

  9. #9
    No surface ?? I'll cut my veins with the cd of max7

    Maybe is implemented by I didn't see it : a preset also for LIMITED REGION with numeric input so i'll never split my scene for ultra large images

    go 4 it !

  10. #10
    Licantropo SMod L'avatar di Nemoid
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004
    hey blitter, no surface implementation is maybe actually a limit of Lw 's SDK. probably this will be possible in the future with some SDK update. NT is working with Worley labs to update it and i think Lucasz will not loose the possibility to implement great features in his plugs.

    the plugs exploits Lw current features, but allows you to work better, and easier. this is a great thing especially to work in large scenes. deeper but no user friendly management of scenes can be made also by hand editing scene files and so on.
    Every voyage starts with the first step.

    Facebook: Daniele Mattei
    Pagina Facebook Daniele Mattei Art

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