Ci sono delle belle novità sul fronte Mac, per cui lo sviluppo ora si concentrerà principalmente su Mac, ma anche sul back-porting di alcune nuove features di Jovian 2 sul plugin originale Jovian.
Le buone notizie per gli utenti Mac dovrebbero arrivare per il prossimo update.

L'aggiornamento corrente:
Oct. 14 2010 v. 2.0.12

-The Library's C button, used for clearing the search results, has been changed to say Clear.

-The Library's Auto Search feature has been changed slightly. In addition to the check box
which enables the feature, there's now a drop-down menu which lets you change from Auto Search
(which searches when you release the mouse), to Live Search (which searches as the color is
being adjusted).

-I've re-written the keyboard handler in the Pick From Image window, Alt+Space now works
correctly. I've also made the E and R keys shortcuts to the Even and Random distribution

-The Pick From Image window now supports a marquee selection (tied to the M key). When the
marquee is set, the Even and Randomly placed markers will be placed only inside the marquee.
Double-tapping M or hitting Alt+D will remove the marquee.