LightWave 2023 - Let There Be LightWave - Nuova campagna di rilancio upgrade
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Discussione: LightWave 2023 - Let There Be LightWave - Nuova campagna di rilancio upgrade

  1. #1

    LightWave 2023 - Let There Be LightWave - Nuova campagna di rilancio upgrade

    Nome: LightWave2023_LetThereBe_scr.jpg
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    E' stata annaunciata la nuova camapgna di rilancio upgrade di LightWave 3D sotto il nuovo proprietario LightWave™ Digital - Andy Bishop
    LightWave 2023 - Let There Be LightWave
    L'uscita della nuova versione è prevista per il quarto trimestre 2023, Q4. per chi aderisce alla campagna ci sarà la possibilità di accedere al forum privato con sneak peeks, nuove features, novità ed eventi...

    Tutte le news compreso lo store sono raccolte sotto un sito della campagna lightwave3dX.com con password JeniSys
    E tutto il necessario è ormai passato di mano da Vizrt - NewTek a LightWave Digital, compresi sito lightwave3d.com e socials facebook e twitter - E, da non dimenticare il canale discord, dove eventi e annucni importanti sono live: discord.gg/the-future-of-lightwave

    Il sito della campagna di rilancio è per gli utenti esistendi, già in possesso di licenza, per i nuovi utenti si fa riferimento allo store di lightwave3d.com (senza X)

    Purchase your first LightWave™ Digital Upgrade for delivery in Q4 2023, and receive shares in LightWave™ Digital and Limited Edition Owners-only merchandise. As well as gaining access to the Owner’s Forum for sneak peeks of upcoming features, news and events
    These offers are for existing users only. For new users please go to LightWave3D.com to purchase LightWave 2020 and other products
    Ci si puo sia complimentare con Andy Bishop ed anche criticare la sua decisione/investimento, di certo ha creato un bel subbuglio, interesse, speranze e contrarietà.
    In bocca al licantropo!

    Annuncio sul blog https://blog.lightwave3d.com/2023/05...twave-digital/
    Link allo store https://lightwave3dx.com/collections...-launch-bundle

    We are pleased to announce that we have completed all, well almost all, of the steps involved in the transfer of LightWave 3D to our new company HQ. We are overwhelmed by the messages of support and have heard your comments and suggestions. Your commitment and patience are astounding, and your ideas for how to improve LightWave are endless! We can’t wait to get started!
    We thought long and hard about how to create something unique for you; something for those who want to help fund the development of LightWave or those who just want to be part of the LightWave community once again. We also wish to show you how much we appreciate you joining us on this journey!
    So, today we are launching “LET THERE BE LIGHTWAVE” – now you may participate in our growth story and be part of the future!

    In a galaxy not so far away, LightWave 3D is offering our community an unprecedented opportunity to be part of LightWave’s future success. WHAT! Yes, that’s right... we want you!
    We are thrilled to announce that we are offering our community an opportunity to own shares in the company, with the pre-order of a 2023 upgrade. Starting today, you can sign up for one of three bundles, including upgrades (2020 & 2023), company shares and truly out-of-this-world merchandise. We have LightWave’s New Hope for those excited about getting a new upgrade for their beloved software later this year. Return to The Mothership for users on older versions of LightWave who want to get started right away with 2020 and want to make sure they have LightWave 2023 lined up as soon as it’s released.
    And, if you're ready to go all-in, you can sign up for our LightWave’s Force Awakens bundle – in addition to your upgrade you’ll receive five shares in LightWave and a lifetime discount – that’s 25% off LightWave 3D products forever!
    YES FOREVER! (For one licencee only) You’ll also get a limited edition "Let There Be LightWave" hoodie. We know, you’d do it just for the hoodie! Become a part owner of a truly innovative 3D software business that will shape the industry for digital content creation for the future. These offers are exclusive to LightWave users.
    Find out more here www.lightwave3dx.com
    Password - JeniSys
    May the fourth be with you!

    LightWave Digital

    Nome: LightWave2023_Artist_Jet_Cooper.jpg
Visite: 1466
Dimensione: 186.1 KB
    Ultima modifica di mikadit; 05-05-23 alle 13:16 Motivo: discord
    Luci e onde del belpaese - LWITA.com
    CALCOLATORE STILL by htsoft - FEEDBACK Calcolatore still

  2. #2
    Buonsalve Ciovini!
    Che cosa ne pensate? Sono sinceramente combattuto se fare il preorder oppure no.
    Ultima modifica di g4dual; 05-05-23 alle 20:33

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