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LightWave Digital rilascia LightWave 2023

Ben arrivato LightWave 2023!
E' arrivato e pronto per essere messo alla prova.

E' il primo aggiornamento dalla versione 2020.0.3, ex Newtek, ex Virtz... ora LightWave Digital, con Andrew Bishop & Team rilascia LightWave 2023!
C'è nuovo materiale compreso nel pacchetto di LightWave 2023:

  • Procedural Geometry Nodes
  • Octane Render
  • TurbulenceFD
  • Instance Painting
  • Text Tool in Layout
  • LightWave Pro Tools (precedentemente OD Tools)
  • ChronoSculpt (precedentemente da NT)
  • Aggiornamento per Ureal: Unreal Engine 5.x Real-time Bridge (in arrivo)

ed infine, ma li metterei per primi per chi già usa LW costantemente, dato che saranno tra i primi da essere messi in uso/notati:

  • Molti fixes, aggiustamenti, aggiunte e miglioramenti nel workflow, flusso di lavoro.

Materiale e approfondimenti sulle nuove features lo trovate sul sito:

Ora sicuramente gli utenti veterani di LW saranno in apprensione per la prossima fase, non male sino ad ora, anche piu di quanto ci si potesse aspettare. Attendiamo alre buone notizie, certamente vogliamo di piu, ... in bocca al licantropo!
Per chi ha già fatto l'aggiornamento, LightWave 2023 puo essere scaricato dal proprio account:
Osserverete una nuova interfaccia che può sembrare complicata, ma in realtà non lo è, più che altro presenta nuove funzionalità.

Per l'acquisto e/o aggiornamento da LightWave 2020 o precedente:

Qui trovate anche le istruzioni per il caricamento dei menu per Octane, TurbolenceFD e Pro Tools.
E' compresa pure la licenza educativa:
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Di seguito l'annuncio ufficiale:
Say hello to LightWave 2023
‘I don’t need anything more for Christmas than this right here’

The wait is finally over! After three long years, we're excited to announce the release of the brand-new LightWave 2023. You don’t have to wait until Christmas, just login to your account and unwrap your LightWave3D upgrade now.

What's New in LightWave 2023?
We're talking major upgrades and some really cool new features. Get ready for a smoother, more powerful 3D experience. Our 2023 upgrade is a game-changer, packed with innovative features and numerous quality-of-life enhancements to elevate your 3D creativity. Check out the new features on our fully redesigned website, but first let’s get you set up so you can download your 2023 upgrade.

Access your 2023 Download
A few things have changed on the new site. You’ll find the login option on the User menu on the new website. If your username includes either spaces or special characters, please get in touch on and we’ll update it for you.

If you have your username but don’t have your password, just use the forgot password option to reset your password.

What’s in my account?
By the time you receive this email we’ll have issued your 2023 upgrade and when you login to your account, it will be ready and waiting for you to download.

If you had previous versions of Lightwave3D they should all be in your account too.

You know what it’s like when you move, sometimes things can get lost along the way, so please look through your information carefully and confirm that everything you expect to see is there. We have transferred a huge amount of data to the new site, reaching all the way back to the very beginning of LightWave, so if any items have gone missing during the transition, please let us know by raising a ticket.

How do I raise a ticket?
Once you are logged in, you’ll see a new menu option for My Page. You can fill in all your personal details here. This is where you’ll also find the ticket option, where you can let us know your issue and we’ll get it sorted for you.

The old site isn’t gone, it’s just been quietly retired in the background for just this kind of problem, so we can go back and confirm details of any items that have slipped through the net. Let us know as soon as you can, if anything is missing, so we can get everything up to date for you.
Heads Up for More Goodies
We're not stopping with this download for 2023. Keep an eye out for extra patches and updates coming your way. We're always working to make LightWave even better and we just can’t wait to share each new development and patch with you, so you’ll see new updates dropping into your account making LightWave 2023 even better.

Today’s release is for our PC users and the Mac download will be available very soon. For the Unreal Engine 5 fans, the LW Unreal Bridge will be coming your way soon as a separate download. We’ll let you know each time something new lands in your account.

Need a Hand?
Got questions or need some help? Just shout. Our support team is here and happy to lend a hand whenever you need it.

Let Us Know What’s On Your Mind
Once you dive into LightWave 2023 and explore the new features and updates, share your thoughts on our brand new forum on the website. Your feedback is gold – it helps us keep making LightWave better for you.

Thanks for sticking with us. We can't wait to see the awesome stuff you'll create with LightWave 2023.


The LightWave Team
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Il motivo dell'annuncio in ritardo: LightWave 2023 e' disponibile da un paio di giorni e l'annuncio lo faccio solo ora. Il motivo e' che ci sono stati degli inconvenienti nella produzione delle licenze, contemporaneamente alla pubblicazione del sito ex-novo. Senza poter essere sicuro e testare con mano non mi sentivo di fare pubblicazioni ufficiali.