Rope Editor: Released
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    Post Rope Editor: Released

    Norman W. Johnson ha annunciato sul forum della NewTek la release del plugin Rope Editor, quello per fare le corde con i nodi da marinaio
    Si può acquistare via mail direttamente da lui, che dopo aver ricevuto la richiesta invierà le istruzioni per l'acquisto tramite PayPal per $50,00 USD.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da NormJ @ NewTek forum
    The day has finally arrived when I can release Rope Editor.
    First, to answer the question you're wondering - yes, that's the name. I've had mixed feelings about changing it, but ended up doing the simple thing and leaving it unchanged.

    I do not yet have the full process to deploy the plugin en masse, so you that view this thread get the first chance at it.

    Here's the initial process:
    - You will need to be prepared to pay by means of PayPal. For the time being, this is the only payment option.
    - IMPORTANT: You will need to provide the serial number of your hardware key (dongle). If you are not certain of what it is, wait a little longer as I will be providing a utility to reliably get it from your dongle.
    - Send a note requesting the plugin to rope@Next4D.com.
    - I will send an email to you instructing how to make a PayPal payment.
    - You make payment and provide your dongle serial number at that time.
    - I will send an email with the plugin and license key once payment has been received. Then you're up and running.
    NOTE that initially, I will be responding to your requests in the evenings (USA Pacific time), so please be a bit patient as we get things moving.
    Now I know some of you will check out the new web site for Rope Editor. Please don't laugh at this time (enjoy the Rope Editor instead). However, the web site is in the works. I'm planning to have resources, such as more screen capture recordings, gallery, etc.


    Ultima modifica di mikadit; 10-03-05 alle 12:59 Motivo: Aggiunto il nuovo sito del Rope Editor: http://www.next4d.com/
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