Un nuovo aggiornamento, v1.07:
Mar. 13 2009 v. 1.07
-Operation "Maple Leaf' has been completed. Jovian's Library now includes a
Color History. When enabled, a special History folder will be available at the top
of the list of folders. Any previously picked colors will be shown here.

-The Reset button has been replaced in the registered version with an Opts popup
button which include four options:
Load Palette - Load a saved palette of colors into the color wells.
Save Palette - Save the current colors to a Jovian Palette file (.jcp).
Reset To Default - Acts the same as the free version's Reset button.
Single Click to Use - Toggle this option to allow you to quickly pick colors from the wells.

-The Options panel has been slightly re-arranged, the Registration area is now on the
About tab. The Advanced tab now includes options for the Color History. Note: Enabling/disabling
the History requires LightWave be closed and re-opened to fully take affect.

The updated plugin files can be obtained from the Downloads page on:
Or directly from:

Also available on the Downloads page are some new Library and Palette files.