LightWave Newsletter
Discussione sul forum NewTek:

Spiegazione di Jarrod Davis del linear color workflow in LightWave 10
YouTube - NewTek LightWave 10 Video Collection: Linear Colorspace Workflow

Discussione con video tutorial di Matt Gorner:
Video: The Beginners Explanation of Gamma Correction & Linear Workflow

LightWave 10 video

Nuova creatura aggiunta al parco, Creature Kit, il "Piranha Alien" di Lino Grandi. Nella newsletter è compresa una breve intervista(!): "Piranha Alien", LW, workflow, LightWave 10 Rigging: Revealed DVD (di cui seguono maggiori dettagli alla fine della newsletter), inspiration

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Disclosure Project by Christophe Bouchet

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Mr. Jameson di Luis Santos, autore di Mutant del LightWave Creature Kit, con breve intervista

Continua l'offerta!
Due to the success of the LightWave™ 10 Special Offer which includes the LightWave 10 Rigging: Revealed DVD, the program has been extended. Purchase or upgrade to LightWave 10 during this limited time promotion and you will gain entry to the exclusive HardCORE Community, where you will receive firsthand information and early access to builds of LightWave 10. This community actively discusses and shares LightWave 10 information. Early adopters will also receive the new LightWave 10 Rigging: Revealed DVD, featuring renowned creature and character artist, Lino Grandi.

The LightWave 10 Rigging: Revealed DVD is designed to help you master the science of rigging in LightWave 10 with fast, flexible techniques for creating character animation that is similar to animation found in many feature film pipelines. In the DVD, artist, Lino Grandi discusses the LightWave rigging process—from beginning to end—and offers step-by-step instructions for the rigging of bones and joints, building skeletons, and rigging without weight maps—a feature unique to LightWave 3D®. Rigging without weight maps allows for character geometry changes after a rig has been created, without experiencing the slowdown often associated with repainting weight falloffs after each change.

Many new features of LightWave 10 are also highlighted in the new DVD. Artists will learn how to use the new VPR (Viewport Preview Renderer) and export animation, deformations and dynamic simulations to the native LightWave MDD point cache format, to import into CORE. The DVD also covers using the new Autodesk® Geometry Cache tools to interchange data with other 3D applications.